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Invoice details

Port of Skellefteå is owned by Skellefteå municipality and is run as a unit in Community Planning Department.

Skellefteå municipality mainly receives electronic invoices.

An e-invoice is an invoice that is issued, received and processed electronically. Please check with your business system provider if you have an existing e-invoice solution.

For a complete e-invoice to Skellefteå municipality, the following applies:

  1. Enter the invoice address:
    Skellefteå kommun
    Box 804
    931 28 Skellefteå
  2. Remember to enter
    PEPPOL id. 0007:2120002643 or GLN code 7381020360088.
    If you can only submit via GLN, you need to contact us at Skellefteå municipality so that we can verify you as the sender.
  3. Enter Skellefteå municipality's six- or seven-digit code as reference which is provided by order. Contact portof.skelleftea@skelleftea.se if you do not have the referns.

Do you lack an e-invoice solution?

If you do not have the opportunity to send e-invoices, please contact Skellefteå municipality's customer service +46 (0)910 73 50 00.

Paper invoices can be sent to the above invoice-address. Delivery and order confirmations should not be sent to the billing address.

Please note that PDF format is not an electronic invoice.