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  • Landfill project

    Work on the north side to build new land is progressing as planned. The days when the project was behind schedule have been made up and now the project is on time and in some stages even slightly ahead of schedule. The main engine is a 3200 hp Atlas MAK and will deliver a thrust of at least 32 tons. She has a 425 hp bow thruster which is a lot for a boat of this size.

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  • The fairway project

    The overall objective of the fairway project is to increase the capacity of the Port of Skellefteå to meet the demand and needs of the business community. The project will lead to preparing the port for feeder traffic, enabling night driving for larger vessels and increasing storage areas in the vicinity of container handling. Completed at the turn of 2021/2022.

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  • Port of Skellefteå continues to develop

    As part of the decided development strategy for Port of Skellefteå, the next step is now a new deep quay. During Monday's meeting, the urban planning committee gave the go-ahead for further investments in the port.

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  • Maintenance dredging of port basin

    Port of Skellefteå last dredged the southern harbor area in 1980. Siltation and land uplift have caused the water depths to decrease at all quays, this is most evident in the entrance channel. Near the quays, the bottom is also built up by propeller currents and spillage from land.

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  • Port development

    We start by dredging to build an embankment to enclose the new land area, which will then be filled with dredged material and crushed rock on one half and iron sand and crushed rock on the other.

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